Busto Augusto
  • Busto Augusto
  • Busto Augusto

Augustus Büste

Augustus war der erste römische Kaiser. Der Senat gab ihm den Titel Augustus January 16, 27 BC und in 23 BC Es wurde tribunicia potestas erkannt und das Imperium proconsulare zum Leben; während in 12 BC Es wurde Pontifex Maximus. Er blieb an der Macht bis zu seinem Tod und seinem Fürstentum war die längste des kaiserlichen Rom.

The Augustus Bust represents the first Roman Emperor, Augustus. He was conferred the title of Augustus by the Senate on January 16, 27 BC, and in 23 BC, he was granted tribunicia potestas and lifelong Imperium proconsulare. In 12 BC, he became the Pontifex Maximus. He remained in power until his death, and his principate was the longest in imperial Rome. This bust magnifies his form, crafted with weather-resistant marble granules of excellent quality, made in Italy. Every detail is meticulously curated, and worldwide shipping is available.

ART. 707

Technische Daten

Höhe (cm)
70 X 50
Gewicht (kg)
Basisdurchmesser (cm)